
Best Week(end) Ever

I wanted today's post to be a really cheery one, so I'm (are you ready?) skipping class today! I know, I know, my stomach's in knots as I type, but I have to do this at least once this quarter. Wow, that was terrible logic.
So, for today's post I'll describe my Cinco de Mayo weekend. Actually, the Cinco de Mayo part was more of just Thursday and Friday, but I digress:
My friend Mina invited me over to watch Lord of the Rings at his place later that night. I had to finish writing my cover letter and resume for a stupid career class I'm taking, so I finished as quickly as I could and drove across Davis to his place. When I got there at 9:00, Mina, Jeremy and Henry were playing video games (Final Fantasy 7, I believe). We chatted it up for a little while until Dave and Albert got there, and then after massive hugs, chatted it up for a while longer until Jon arrived.
Creepiest Part of the Night: When Jon arrived, we couldn't see him because of the layout of the apartment. All the light we had was coming from the TV, and Jon didn't say anything after slooowly opening the door. Then we kept asking, " Jon? Is that you? Jon?" Still nothing. THEN, the frigging crazy guy sloowly opens the fridge door (we still can't see him). Ahhh, that was soo scary, although I didn't make how scared I was too obvious, as I was hanging out with guys and all. Anyway, so we're about to put in LOTR, and somehow we all decided to watch Pulp Fiction instead.
So we start watching the movie at about 10.
Stupidest Joke of the Night:
Jeremy tried to tell us a joke about the origin of Cinco de Mayo. I feel ashamed that I'm even reproducing this, but sometimes the truth hurts:
Long ago, before Best Foods Mayonaise was named "Best Foods," it was named "Helmund's" Mayonaise. Based in Helmund, Germany, hundreds of crates of the mayonaise were to be shipped to Mexico via the Titantic, because after New York, the Titantic's next stop would have been Mexico. As we all know, the Titantic sunk, and along with it, all the mayonaise. And that's how we got SINKo-de-MAYO.
Again, I apologize. Profusely.

Anyway, Pulp Fiction is one of the two movies I've seen with a group of guys, myself being the only girl. The other movie was Clockwork Orange. I thoroughly enjoyed both of them. A few memorable quotes from Pulp Fiction:
"Oh, man, I shot Marvin in the face..." -John Travolta
"Oh, oh, you're about to blow? I'm a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherfucker, motherfucker!"-Samuel L. Jackson

"I want you to reach in the bag, slowly, and get my wallet out."
"Which one is it?"
"It's the one that says, 'Bad Mother Fucker.'"

Those are the three best quotes, in my opinion. I can even say the mushroom cloud one really fast, like Samuel L. Jackson :)
Anyway, so near the end of the movie, Heidi gets there, but we're only there for about 30 mins until we all leave, but it's all good, because we were all going to see each other the next night!!
Except Jeremy.
And Dave couldn't come, but we were actually bummed about that one.

Obviously I didn't go home, and I was quite okay with that. My best friend from high school, along with her boyfriend, were going to join me for the night and party at Mina's place and meet my UCD friends. After giving Xiomara (pronounced Shamada) directions like twice :) they finally arrived and we all left to Mina's place. There are House Rules posted at Mina's house, one of which is to not bring 'shady friends,' and I thoroughly warned Xiomara and Paul of this. I was actually more worried that Paul would be all shy, but he got along with the guys right away. Xiomara had a good time and everything, but I think she and Paul got into a small argument before they came or something and she was kind of holding a bit of a grudge. Anyway, I was ecstatic to see Paul bonding with the guys, albeit through drinking, but they were still being cool. I was also really happy to see all my UCD friends trying really hard to chat it up with Xiomara, and she was trying really hard as well. I don't mean to say that she had a strained relationship with the guys, but I think it was more a bummer that she and I were the only girls there, until Heidi showed up. I also think she expected more of a party than a hang out type of thing. To be honest, I expected that too. Anway, at about 1 or so, Paul, Xiomara and I headed back to my place because they had to drive home to YC. I made tea for Xiomara so she'd stay up for the ride home and we talked about having dinner the next day, so....
(by the way, I went to sleep at about 2)
At 9am I had work (i know, i know..) and had a really interesting lunch conversation with Jorge. I regret it now, but I pretty much told him everything that had happened the night before. I think he was proud that I didn't drink or get stupid with Albert (the guy has the body of a god) or anything like that, AND I came to work on time, well dressed, bla bla bla.
So I got to YC at about 7 and took my brother to dinner with Paul, Xiomara and me. We had fun, Paul got along really well with Varun, and vice versa. We went home and found out that our cousins were there and were staying the night, so that was fun too.

Kind of a nice lazy day with the family. While watching the Food Network with my bro and mom, Varun and I decided we wanted chicken for dinner and went to the grocery store to get something. When we got there though, we changed our minds and decided we wanted to make an awesome dinner for our parents that my dad could really enjoy as well, as he's vegetarian. We found a recipe card for pasta primavera and started shopping for all the ingredients when mom called and told us we had more company over. That ended up being perfect because when dinner was over, we had over half left over. Made-from-practically-scratch pasta primavera with a pasta sauce. One of the only Italian dishes I've really enjoyed. My mom kept saying she didn't have to worry about me anymore. Oh and...
Best Part of the Night: My uncle jokingly said to my mom, "Parveen, Sonia cooks better than you!" Yeah, that family has a weird sense of humor. Then I said, "Nobody cooks better than mom." I think my aunt really liked that I said that.

And now, here I am, my class will be over in about 15 mins and then I need, need, need, to catch up. If you're still reading this, I'm thoroughly impressed. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed actually experiencing it all hahahaha.

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