I didn't hear about the shooting until about 7:30pm today, just a few hours ago.
At first the timeline seemed relatively straightforward: a guy came onto campus, killed a couple of people at a dorm, the dorm was locked down, then walked across campus and killed 30 people before finally killing himself. But now, there's some speculation about what happened. They're now not sure if both the shootings are related, or if there was just one shooter. Regardless of what happened, it will be remembered for a long time. This is the 5th school shooting this year, and it's only April. Where is our homeland security? Where is our protection?
I keep thinking about how one girl said she survived. The gunman came into her 25 person classroom and killed all but four people. She said she survived by pretending to be dead.
The whole incident in that classroom couldn't have lasted more than two minutes. I can't even imagine how scary that must be, to be trying to stay awake learning German at 9 in the morning one minute and then have to figure out how you're going to keep yourself alive the next.
Picnic Day was two days ago in Davis, and I can't help but think that something really serious could easily have happened then. I don't remember seeing any kind of security measures being imposed, no police, nothing. We were lucky that day.
Thirty three people died. How could the cops let this happen? How could so many people die just like that? Why did it take so long for help to get there? Have we not made any progress since 9/11??
Obviously, I'm emotional about this. I'm mad that we let it happen. I'm sad that so many people died, people that had the potential to help change the world for the better.
I feel sick at the reaction of my roommates. They're both in bed right now. I don't know why I should expect them to care. It happened in Virginia, nearly 3,000 miles away. Honestly, though, it disturbs me how nonchalant one of them was about the deadliest school shooting in U.S. History. I mean, at least one was interested in the video taken from a cell phone. The other just kept studying at the dining table.
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