
A Sincere Woo Hoo

I may be punished, scolded, spoken with. But it's only because I yelled, "Yesss!" at the top of my lungs and put my hands together, thereby making the loudest noise I've ever heard myself make (spare me the fart jokes, please). Why am I so happy? Why am I, who would win the "Realist of the Year" award if there was one, frightening my upstairs neighbor? Do you want me to tell you why I do it? Okay, I will tell you why I do it.
I'm no longer part of that crowd without ambition, soon (if they haven't been already) to be dislocated from the plastic folding chairs that would be reserved for them at a ceremony as old as educational progress itself. This is so, in no small part I believe, thanks to a certain Being known by many names, whom I'll simply call Lord (though that doesn't seem to make my divine friend, creator, guardian real enough. Perhaps I'll think of a better name some other time).
Yes, my organic chemistry grade was terrible; yes, I could have done better--much better, in fact. But I'll save that determination for this quarter.
Oh, this quarter that started on a Wednesday and then gave us a three day weekend as if to say, "I understand how hard it must be to come back to a new quarter after an only 5 day spring break, really I do."
But perhaps such a short break was a good thing. My wounded self-esteem still stings from the previous final, and every hour I don't study more o-chem, bio, history of modern India, I begin again to feel the sting of academic defeat, embarrassment, probation. Like now, for instance. Ow.
Yes, coming back to bus lines, classes, studying after such a short break is a good thing. My resolution is fresh and as long as it doesn't expire for two weeks, I believe I can do quite well on my first biology midterm. Then that sense of accomplishement, that exhilaration that only comes from doing well on an exam, that feeling of pride that has left me for the last two years will return, fuel, push me to keep studying.

At least that's the plan.

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