
I Need You, They Need You


World AIDS Day just passed. I can't stress enough, I can't describe in words how much people in the world need YOU right now, this very second.
Today, 5,500 people--men, women, people just like us--will die because they couldn't get two little pills.
Two little pills that can keep them alive. Can you imagine not being able to do it yourself? To keep yourself alive? Can you imagine having to depend on something so tiny as a pill to keep you alive because your own body is giving up?
There are people in this world, this world that we are a part of, that need those pills to stay alive. But they can't do it on their own. They need us. They need you. I'll help too. And you and me, and my friends and your friends if you decide to talk about this, we can get somebody, any random person, we can get them those pills. We can keep somebody alive. And if there's one person who happens to be special, who happens to have a sense of purpose, and we kept them alive, that person can contribute something to their community, to their country, to our world. And their contribution to society will make our lives better.
It's not hard at all to help. Everybody is going to be shopping for gifts this month. (RED) products are not more expensive than regular products. So if you want to help, here's my suggestion as to what to do:
1. Go to www.joinred.com and learn about the idea behind (RED). Find out which companies are (RED).
2. When you go holiday shopping, make an effort to buy (RED) products rather than the regular products. A portion of the sale from every (RED) product goes to buying pills for people in Africa who have AIDS.
3. Tell your friends to do the same.
If you're still reading this, thank you so much. Thank you for your attention, because that tells me that you care, possibly as much as I do. We can do this if we work as a team. We can keep some really amazing people alive long enough for them to fulfill their purpose in life.
Thanks again,


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