
Mr. McDreamy

I recently had a weird dream:
I got married to the most gorgeous guy: chiseled jaw, washboard abs, perfect skin, pecs you could use as plates, the whole nine yards.
So, we get married, (which is approximately where my dream started), come back to where the family was for the wedding (they’ve all left by now for the reception), and I somehow find out that he’s slept with lots of other girls before. The dream ends. I know there’s a part of me that watched way too much “Sex and the City” that night, but the surprise in the dream really got me thinking. How well do you really know a person when your marriage with them is arranged?

So, I’ve been freaking out about this dream for the past month or so, wondering if I should talk to my mom about it. In the end, I decided not to talk to her about it. It’d just be too weird. Instead, I thought about what I would say if my own daughter asked me something like that. Here’s what I came up with:
“You don’t. You just trust that God will make it all okay. You have to believe that you’ve just found the love of your life. If that doesn’t end up being true, then you have to move on. But everything happens for a reason. If you have to go through that, then God wanted you to go through that. Whatever happens, whether you’re happy or not, you’ll end up being a smarter, more mature person because of your experiences. Those qualities are things that nobody can mess up.”

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