I hate hospitals in general. I don't know who I was kidding being an
NPB major for two years, I empathize far too much with everyone. But today I experienced something I'd never felt before. I could feel my entire body getting weaker, the blood draining from my face as my uncle let out little moans of pain while sitting in the chair next to his hospital bed. He was holding a small, heart-shaped pillow to his chest to help him burp so that the air pressure didn't build up in his lungs and hurt him more. I guess he exerted himself too much because as soon as he released the pillow a little bit, he winced in pain; it was just for a second, but it was enough to scare me. I'd never seen him in pain like that, never. He went on wincing and lightly moaning for about 2o seconds and I couldn't stand anymore. Luckily we had to go out to the waiting room while they helped him move into a more comfortable chair. I didn't say anything to my parents until we left my extended family's company. I know my uncle will be okay, but it's scary to see someone you love so much in such a vulnerable state. Maybe it had something to do with being tired, I don't know.
I can't wait until he's himself again.